Parish Council


Rachel Hooper Clerk to the Council t: 01562 915 252 e: Each Council meeting takes place on the first Monday in the month (apart from May & August). The public can attend meeting in person or by Zoom. Please contact the Clerk 5 days before the meeting for joining instructions. Agendas will be available on the website before the meetings. Minutes are copied to the parish magazine. When approved, at subsequent meetings, minutes are archived.
Chaddesley Corbett


Parish Council Chairman: Mark Page 01562 777 814 Vice Chairman: Dave Thomas 01562 777 315 Other Members of the Council: Christine Finnegan 01562 777875 Harry Grove 01562 777 967 Gary Hogan 01562 777 030 Debbie Newbold 01562 777 404 Sue Smith 01562 700 057 Geoff Vernon 01562 777 365 Steve Walker 01562 777 556 Jim Wright 01562 777 398 District Councillors for ‘Wyre Forest Rural’ Ward Ian Hardiman <Link> 01562 631 139 Marcus Hart <Link> 01562 851 769 Lisa Jones <Link> 07854 713 819

Road works

Tanwood Lane - 5th July (one day) - Road Closure required by Openreach for utility repair & maintenance Church Hill, Broome Hill - 22 July to 19 August - Road closure - WCC footpath construction Fockbury Road, Dodford - 11 August - Road closure - Severn Trent Tandys Lane - 12 to 14 August & 18 to 20 September - Road Closure - Severn Trent Dordale Road - 20 August - Road closure - Openreach Bromsgrove Road - 8 September - by the Village Hall - temporary traffic management 08:00 to 12:00 - Severn Trent


With the unexpected resignation of Cllr. Yvonne Scriven there exists a vacancy on the Parish Council. How this will be filled, whether by election or co-option, will be discussed at the July meeting of the Council. Please inform the Clerk if you wish to put your name forward to be considered.