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Chaddesley Corbett

In June we commemorated the 80th Anniversary of

D - Day

YES .. .. we know ! Time has stood still in Chaddesley (for a long while) - since March 2023. The 3’ long Minute Hand snapped off the church clock and impaled itself in the ground below (like an arrow fired, presumably, from the Robin Hood pub in Drayton ?). Well, a new one has been made .. and fitted ! .. and other necessary work done on the mechanism; so .. its now up to Leo to keep it wound and ticking. During this interval time (pun intended) the other three faces still showed the right time (leaving some to suggest that being ‘two-faced’ is nothing new).


In the afternoon (around 2pm - that’s “Fourteen-hundred hours” to you military folk) and .. weather permitting .. there was a Fly-past by an Auster British Military observation aircraft (c. 1940). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAtoX8cGCQ0 The planned flight route was from West to East across the village - over-flying Winterfold School, the Village Hall, Brockencote Hall, and Chaddesley Primary School.
Air Observation Post Squadrons Army interest in aviation was revived during the 1930s when trials led to the formation of Air Observation Post (AOP) squadrons equipped with the Auster light aircraft flown by officers of the Royal Artillery. The squadrons were owned and operated by the RAF, on behalf of the Army, with great success in all theatres during the Second World War. That was followed by an AFTERNOON TEA at the Village Hall _ and a showing of the film _

The Great Escaper

staring Genda Jackson & Sir Michael Caine & based on the true story of 89-year-old British World War II Royal Navy veteran Bernard Jordan who "broke out" of his nursing home to attend the 70th anniversary D-Day commemorations in France in June 2014.

Saturday 8th

Between 10:00 and 14:00 (2pm) there was a WALKING TREASURE HUNT in and around the village - with Prizes to be won ! Tickets, per entry, priced at £2 each - or £5 per family and proceeds given to the Royal British Legion and to St. Cassian’s Church.

Sunday 9th

The 9:30 Sunday Service in St. Cassian was joined by the choir from Chaddesley Corbett Primary School and included Remembrance Prayers for those who participated in the D-Day Landings. And another opportunity to follow the ‘Treasure Trail’.
There was the opportunity to ‘find’ the original concrete war-blockades (which would have been deployed to resist invaders), replica beaches with soldier silhouettes, classic army vehicles, and much more !